Have you ever used pick-up lines to seduce? Has it been a success? If it didn’t, maybe it’s because you didn’t have the right phrase to charm the girls. How about trying with the best pick-up line for your job?

You’re single. You’re heading out to a med school party, the annual holiday bash, or to celebrate a colleague’s promotion. Hospital jokes and medical humor will definitely be appreciated and you have hopes of meeting The One.

You don’t know how it’s going to pan out until you try, right? But you don’t want to mess up your big shot if the person of your dreams walks into your life tonight. If you’ve been waiting forever to ask someone out, you don’t want to botch that either.
Here’s a long list of medical pick up lines, so you can find one you’re comfortable with. We haven’t missed a beat here: you’ll find lame, funny, silly and clever medical pick up lines included.

Funny pick up lines for doctors

If you’re one of the guys who spend their afternoons swiping on different dating apps and yet aren’t communicating with anyone, you’re probably suffering from blank page syndrome. Whether romantic, flattering, sexy, practical, or just plain cheesy, pick-up lines, aka chat-up lines, can be a big part of the dating scene. Here are some classic and creative pick-up lines for doctors.

🥼I didn’t plan on specializing, but you seem pretty special to me.

🥼You are a cancer specialist—I am one too—we can be a malignant couple.

🥼Are you my appendix? Cause I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out!

🥼My love for you is so strong it can’t be dialyzed.

🥼Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Because baby, you take my breath away.

🥼Are you a doctor? Cause you just cured my erectile dysfunction.

🥼Better grab the AED… you just made my heart stop!

🥼If you need a love doctor, I have like a medicated degree.

🥼What do you and a febrile patient have in common? You’re both hot.

🥼Are you a C-reactive protein? Because you have a-cute phase.

🥼Nice antibody. Wanna conjugate?

🥼The way you talk to me leaves me aphasic.

🥼You have 206 bones in your body, want one more?

🥼You get my heart racing like an epinephrine drip.

🥼I hope to someday be your emergency contact..

🥼Can I be your ophthalmologist ‘cause I can’t stop looking into your eyes.

🥼Infections are communicable, is your love too?

🥼My adductor isn’t the only thing that’s longus.

🥼You seem like an interesting case—can I investigate you?

🥼Are you a pulmonary embolism? Because baby, you take my breath away!

🥼You make my heart have Premature Ventricular Contractions.

🥼Roses are red, Violets are blue, You make my heart skip, I think I have Mobitz type II!

🥼Emphysema puffs pink, chronic bronchitis makes you blue, but no COPD makes me as breathless as you!

🥼Are you epinephrine? Cuz baby you make my heart race….

🥼Girl, if we were lymphocytes, you’d be a natural killer.

🥼Are you Broca’s Aphasia? Because you leave me speechless…

🥼Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you!

🥼If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me? smooth or rough?

🥼Why don’t you listen to your heart and go out with me?

🥼Nucleus is blue, cytoplasm is pink, our love is true.

🥼I’m jealous of your stethoscope… I am the one who should be wrapped around your neck!

🥼Wake up happy! Sleep with an anesthesiologist!

🥼Hey girl, are you a pulmonary embolism? Cause you’re making me breathless..

🥼ICU in my dreams.

🥼Are you COPD? ‘Cause you take my breath away.

🥼Am I attracted to you or is it just volatile blood sugars?

🥼Come into my office and take off your pants.

🥼Are you COPD? Because you take my breath away.

🥼Can I be your ophthalmologist? ‘Cause I can’t stop looking into your eyes…

🥼You shift my emotional oxy-hemoglobin saturation curve to the left! Easy to bind, hard to let go..

🥼Are you an anesthesiologist? Because, baby, you sure do know how to knock out my senses!

🥼You’d better be a cardiologist, because something about you makes me want to give you my heart.

🥼Do you have a favorite med pickup line? Add yours to the list via the comments section!

🥼Who needs a CPR when I have you?

🥼Don’t you worry baby, my ligand and your receptor are perfect for each other.

🥼Are you the cause of my PUO [pyrexia of unknown origin]?

🥼Maybe you need a little Vitamin ME in your life

🥼Are you my appendix? I have a gut feeling I should take you out.

🥼Girl, your personality is so magnetic I think our protons are in alignment.

🥼Wanna go study some anatomy?

🥼Stand back, I’m a doctor. You go get an ambulance, I’ll loosen her clothes.

🥼Want to be the susceptible host to my airborne pathogen?

🥼I am an organ donor, need anything?

🥼I just want to swab you up and down, then left and right, until we’re both afebrile.

🥼You make me go from simple squamous to stratified columnar

🥼Did you alter my vestibular apparatus?! Because I keep falling over for you!

🥼If I were a coronary artery… I’d be wrapped around your heart!

🥼I wish I was your coronary artery, so that I could be wrapped around your heart.

🥼You raise my dopamine levels.

🥼If you were a concentration gradient, I’d go down on you..

🥼I hope someday to be your emergency contact.

🥼Am I a non-competitive inhibitor? Because I want to attach to your posterior region!

🥼Are you a C-reactive protein? Because you have acute-phase! (a-cute-face*)

🥼I get all Kluver-Bucy around you.

🥼You must be my coronary artery because you’re wrapped around my heart.

🥼Let’s exchange genetic information!

🥼How about we ditch this joint and go study some anatomy?

🥼My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia makes me think I’m falling for you.

🥼Excuse me, are you osteoporosis? Because you’re giving me a serious bone condition!

🥼Can I take your temperature? You’re looking hot today.

🥼Can I change your status from G0P0 to G1P1?

🥼Hey girl you look good with a tube in your mouth wanna try something else in my room.

🥼You can fill my caudate nucleus with dopamine anytime

🥼Will you be my G-Protein? Because I want to be coupled with you!

🥼If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase: So I could unzip your genes!!

🥼Hey I’m a medullary thyroid carcinoma and you’re a pheochromocytoma. We’re MEN 2B

🥼I’m a med student, trust me, I KNOW how to palpate you right!

🥼Playing doctor is for kids…let’s play gynecologist!

🥼If I said you had a monoclonal antibody, would you hold it against me?

🥼They don’t call me Bones because I’m a doctor.

🥼Is that a reflex hammer in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me!

🥼I’d check your blood sugar, but you’re sweet enough.

Pick up lines for nurses

A good pick up line is one that is original, personalized, solid and interesting. What you need to understand first and foremost is that there is no such thing as a magic pick up line that works everywhere. One pick up line might work wonderfully with one man, while with another it might have the opposite effect. That’s why there is no magic recipe! This is why we give particular importance to the natural and personalized side of these first messages that you send. The pick up line must always match the context! Read below the pick up lines for nurses and amuse someone you like.

👩‍⚕️Is that you? I don’t feel like I need to get rid of it.

👩‍⚕️If I said you had an opponent, would you continue to fight me?

👩‍⚕️Red blood, blue cyanosis, I buy tachycardia as soon as I think of you.

👩‍⚕️Also Read: What Happens Spiritually When You Sleep With Someone? Soul Ties

👩‍⚕️My love for you is so strong it will not be disappointed.

👩‍⚕️Do you drown because I feel I need to give you CPR?

👩‍⚕️Want to study anatomy?

👩‍⚕️I can be an optician ‘because I can’t stop looking in your eyes.

👩‍⚕️You can be a cardiologist because there is something that makes me want to give you my heart.

👩‍⚕️We should exchange our genetic information!

👩‍⚕️It is the condition of my heart. Without you, even a defibrillator would not save me.

👩‍⚕️ICU in my dreams.

👩‍⚕️The way you ask me leaves me aphasic.

👩‍⚕️Do you have protein? Because you have a good role.

👩‍⚕️You have to be my coronary artery because it’s covered in my heart.

👩‍⚕️I make you all Kluver-Bucy near you.

👩‍⚕️I wasn’t planning on every single technique, but it seemed good to me.

👩‍⚕️You make my heartbeat like a drop of epinephrine.

👩‍⚕️She is organized and online. Even though we are separated, we are united in our own.

👩‍⚕️Am I Drowning? Because i feel like i need a CPR from you

👩‍⚕️I hope that one day I will be your emergency person.

👩‍⚕️Emphysema swells pink, bronchitis makes you blue, but no COPD makes me like you.

👩‍⚕️I just want to stab you from top to bottom, from right until we die.

👩‍⚕️You increase my dopamine levels.

👩‍⚕️Am I interested in you or is it just blood sugar?

👩‍⚕️May I have your heat? He is showing hot today.

👩‍⚕️Do you have COPD? Because you take away my soul.

Cheesy pick up lines for doctors

The pick up line, is just the start. But, it’s also the really great way that can lead you to something much bigger! It is up to you to choose whether you will say it in a strong and manly way, or in a more sensitive and fragile way. Your goal should be to personalize your approach as much as possible in order to make it unique. The girl with whom you want to start the discussion must feel that this sentence was written for her and only for her!

😉Do you have protein? Because you have a good role.

😉Cutie, you must be a red blood cell because you take the oxygen away from my lungs and send it straight to my heart.

😉Honey, do you like water? That means you already like 80% of me.

😉You’re the sinoatrial node of my heart. Without you, even a defibrillator won’t save me.

😉Am I interested in you, or is it just blood sugar?

😉You get my heart racing like an epinephrine drip.

😉Roses are red, Violets are blue, You make my heart skip, I think I have Mobitz type II!

😉Are you COPD? Because you take my breath away.

😉You’re systemic, and I’m pulmonary. Though we may be divided, together, we are one.

😉Can I be your ophthalmologist ‘cause I can’t stop looking into your eyes!

😉Did you alter my vestibular apparatus?! Because I keep falling over for you!

😉You must be the one for me… Since my selectively permeable membrane lets you through.

😉My adductor isn’t the only thing that’s longus.

😉I’m a med student. Trust me, I KNOW how to palpate you right!

😉You must be a pulmonary embolism because you leave me breathless.

😉Can I be your ophthalmologist ‘cause I can’t stop looking into your eyes.

😉You shift my emotional oxy-hemoglobin saturation curve to the left! Easy to bind, hard to let go.

😉Those clothes look uncomfortable… need me to cut them off for you?

😉If I said you had a monoclonal antibody, would you hold it against me?

😉Are you a C-reactive protein? Because you have a-cute phase.

😉Stand back. I’m a doctor. You go get an ambulance. I’ll loosen her clothes.

😉Are you drowning? Because I’m feeling the urge to give you CPR.

😉Girl, your chromosomes have combined beautifully.

😉Emphysema puffs pink, chronic bronchitis makes you blue, but no COPD makes me as breathless as you!

😉You have acute angina

Dirty pick up lines for doctors

But, it is not enough to have found the perfect words. Indeed, when it comes to seduction, there are two categories of people. On the one hand, there are those who take their courage in both hands and take the plunge. These individuals therefore assume their desires and act accordingly in order to seduce the person they like. On the other hand, there are those who are completely blocked from the object of their affection. Indeed, fear controls their actions and they are unable to do anything. To seduce, you have to show courage and tenacity. Indeed, if you quietly wait in your corner for the person you like to approach you, you will wait a long time.

🤭If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase: So I could unzip your genes!!

🤭When you walked in the door, your beauty hit me so hard that I have priapism from all the trauma.

🤭Wake up happy! Sleep with an anesthesiologist!

🤭I’m no organ donor, but I’d happy to give you my copulatory organ.

🤭What do you and a febrile patient have in common? You’re both hot.

🤭Wanna see if we can drown out the siren?

🤭I can tell you’re into yoga. Why don’t you spend a little time showing me just how flexible you are?

🤭I’m like a doctor, actually an orthodontist, I’m gonna have to ask you to, you know, uh take off your clothes

🤭Excuse me, are your osteoporosis? Because you’re giving me a serious bone condition!

🤭No, that’s not an epi-pen in my pants. I’m just happy to see you.

🤭You have 206 bones in your body. Want another one?

🤭Are you a doctor? Cause you just cured my erectile dysfunction.

🤭How about we ditch this joint and go study some anatomy?

🤭Wanna feel safe tonight? Sleep with an EMT.

🤭They don’t call me Bones because I’m a doctor.

🤭You seem like an interesting case—can I investigate you?

🤭(Look for any minor skin imperfection) Has anyone ever looked at that? Why don’t we go back to my place so I can give you a full exam?

🤭Playing doctor is for kids…let’s play gynecologist!

🤭Come into my office and take off your pants.

🤭Nice antibody. Wanna conjugate?

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