Charlie Chaplin is one of the most iconic figures of the silent film era who rose to fame in the early years of the twentieth century. His life was a rollercoaster of success and struggles, yet he continued to bring laughter to all who watched his works. Chaplin’s career and life were marked by a firm dedication to following his heart, to find his way to happiness despite the varied tribulations that crossed his path.
A Brief History of Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin, born as Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr., was born on April 16th, 1889, to a father who had left the household months before his conception. Chaplin’s mother, Hannah Hill, was an aspiring singer and actress from a family of performers that had been involved with show business for two generations. With her father frequently in and out of jail, and her mother committed to an asylum, Charlie and his brother Sydney were raised primarily by his mother until they were both old enough to join the Navy, at age 16 and 15 respectively.
Chaplin had taken up dance and comedic acting at a young age and proved to be a natural. At age 17, he joined the Fred Karno Repertoire Company and briefly toured the United States with them. Chaplin eventually found his home at Keystone Studios and then moved to Hollywood shortly after signing a $1 million contract with First National Pictures.
A Life Dedicated to Happiness
Charlie Chaplin was a creative genius and dedicated his life to creating works that brought joy wherever it reached. While Chaplin experienced personal hardship and controversy throughout his lifetime, his unrelenting pursuit of happiness pushed him forward.
At The Cinema: Chaplin’s Works
Chaplin released over 80 films with his own production company, United Artists. Most of his works feature his beloved tramp character, who is often thrown into comedic dilemmas and working to overcome whatever obstacles he faces. From The Kid and The Gold Rush, to City Lights and Modern Times, Chaplin’s timeless works ignited the hearts of countless viewers with laughter and smiles.
Work In Other Media: Chaplin’s Influence
In addition to leaving his mark at the box office, Chaplin also released recordings filled with his own lyrics, compositions and performances throughout his career. His animated shorts, available on many streaming platforms such as Netflix, offer viewers a window into his unique brand of comedy.
The Chaplin Legacy
Since his passing in 1977, Chaplin’s legacy has lived on through many exhibitions of his works and numerous biographies, such as the award-winning Chaplin: His Life and Art. A fresh film adaptation of his life story, entitled Chaplin, directed by Richard Attenborough, was released in 1992, starring Robert Downey Jr. as the titular character.
Chaplin’s Philosophy
Throughout Chaplin’s works, the message of pursuing one’s true happiness shines through loud and clear. His philosophy was held dearly in his life as well as in his art. In his autobiography, Chaplin said:
“All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.”
Charlie Chaplin may have passed, but he left behind countless works that serve as gentle reminders to all of us to stay true to our authentic selves and seek out our own unique road towards joy and fulfillment.
Finding Joy Nowhere Else
Chaplin’s works may have been made during a different time and featured a different type of comedic style, yet his themes of working hard to reach his version of happiness and pursuing his goals, no matter the adversity that stood in his way, remain relevant to this day. He continuously pursued joy through his works, even when it was nowhere else to be found, and found a way to make himself and his audiences smile.
The Keys To Finding Your Road to Happiness
Pursue Your Dreams: Chaplin followed his passion and achieved success through his works, turning his dreams into reality.
Seek Positivity: Even during Chaplin’s most difficult times, he never stopped trying to seek out the positive and the joyous in his life.
Trust Yourself: As a frequent traveler to many countries and cultures, Chaplin never failed to trust his own judgement and never stopped creating works that came from his heart.
Spread Goodness: Through his works, Chaplin consistently tried to spread good cheer and cheerfulness to his audience.
Let Go of Fear: Chaplin was no stranger to failure or success, yet he never shied away from taking risks or retreating from the unknown.
Know Yourself: Charlie Chaplin had many friends and admirers, yet he was always able to find solace in himself. He understood his desires and never let them slip away.
Charlie Chaplin’s life story serves as a stellar reminder for all of us to stay true to ourselves and follow our hearts to finding our own individual roads of happiness, even when it may be difficult. Although his message is universal, Chaplin’s distinctive mark on cinema has provided us with a celebration of joy that can only be attributed to him.