The colors of auras around people may reveal deeper insights into their spiritual health and connectedness to the world and beyond. An aura reading may determine what colors are present, what they mean, and how to balance and improve them. Understanding the different aura colors and their meanings can help reveal what’s going on inside each person.

What Is an Aura?

An aura is an annual energy field that surrounds all living things and is classified according to its colors and elements. Aiders believe that the colors of an aura can be seen or felt by a person who has highly developed perception skills. The colors change based on the current thoughts, energy, spirit, and emotions of the person. Auras are typically a oval shape that extends as far as 18” from the body.

Aura Readings

Aura readings are performed by clairvoyants, psychics, or energy healers that are highly trained in understanding the various colors of an aura and their meanings. These readings can take place in person, or at a distance. During an aura reading, practitioners observe the different colors of the aura, noticing the dominant colors, clarity, and strength of them.

Interpretation of Colors

The meaning of each color can depend on the context and intensity of the color. The following are the primary colors present in the aura, and the meanings associated with each.


The color Red in the aura is associated with physical vitality, sexual energy, survival and courage. High intensity red may represent anger, rage, and a temperamental personality. Low intensity red may represent pain and inadequacy.


The color orange in an aura signifies creativity, an abundance of energy and enthusiasm for life. High intensity orange may indicate a need for stimulants, a lack of harmony, and overindulgence. Low intensity orange may be an indication of insecurity, fear, and doubt.


The color yellow in the aura is linked to intellectual intelligence, logic, learning, optimism, and creative thinking. A high intensity yellow may represent slyness and a slippery personality. Low intensity yellow is often associated with frustration and a lack of confidence.


Green in an aura represents compassion, harmony, inclusiveness, and an appreciation for the beauty of nature. High intensity green may indicate possessiveness, control issues, and a need to control others. Low intensity green may represent emotional issues such as jealousy or low levels of self-esteem.


Blue in auras symbolizes truth, loyalty, and emotional balance. High intensity blue may represent self-criticism and emotional volatility. Low intensity blue can indicate depression, sadness, and self-isolation.


Indigo in an aura can be associated with prophetic gifts, wisdom, and meditation. High intensity indigo suggests confusion, internal conflict and a lack of direction in life. Low intensity indigo may symbolize suppressed emotions, hesitance and a lack of trust.


The color of Violet in an aura symbolizes a nearly unlimited source of spiritual energy. High intensity violet may represent excessive devotion, idealism, and a tendency to over-spiritualize. Low intensity violet may mean resistances to spirituality and a general mistrust of the spiritual world.


The color white in an aura is associated with an individual’s spiritual connection and Higher Self. High intensity white may signify divine communication, heightened consciousness and spiritual guidance. Low intensity white can mean a need for purification or spiritual enlightenment.


The color brown in an aura can be a sign of grounding, practicality, and materialism. High intensity brown may also suggest a lack of flexibility and physical ailments, such as chronic pain. Low intensity brown in an aura can signify reluctance to connect with the spiritual world.

Metallic and Rainbow Colors

Metallic or rainbow colors in the aura can indicate a person to be very spiritual. These colors usually appear around individuals who have been working on their spiritual development for a very long time. Metallic and rainbow colors in the aura may signify profound spiritual transformation, enlightenment, and peace.


The color gray in an aura may represent confusion, anxiety, and a lack of clarity. It also often reflects a desire to retreat from the world and people.


The color black in an aura is a sign of negativity, stagnant energy, and a closed heart. It reflects the presence of karma and a possible lack of awareness of consequences.

Understanding the color meanings of each aura provides insight into a person’s spiritual health. Each color has its own meaning, indicating the mental and emotional state of the individual. It is important to remember that all colors can be balanced, improved and strengthened with positive energy. It is possible to discover a person’s spiritual state of well-being with an aura reading performed by a qualified practitioner.

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