Have you been hearing a lot of buzz about Jordan Peterson lately and have no idea why? Over the past few years, the Canadian psychologist has become a well-known public figure, but not necessarily in a good way. People seem to be really divided when it comes to Peterson’s opinions. Some of his followers consider him a hero while others see him as the villainous ideological shadow spreading dark thoughts across the world. In this article, we’re going to look at the main points of contentiousness when it comes to Jordan Peterson, and dive into why some people tend to hate him for what he stands for.
Who’s Jordan Peterson?
Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12th, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He has written two best-selling self-help books: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999), and 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018). He has also done a great deal of public lectures and interviews, and is often described as an outspoken conservative thinker.
His Views About Men and Women Roles
One of the things that people tend to take longest when debating with Peterson is his opinion on gender roles, which he is known to view using a rather binary lens. Peterson believes that men and women are different, and that such differences ought to be respected and honored.
To Peterson, there seems to be a natural order in the roles that are reflected in the differences between men and women. He believes that it is integral for human reproduction and long-term survivability and sees gender roles as an essential part of modern society.
To many, Peterson’s views on gender roles are no different than other conservative takes on the matter. What makes Peterson so controversial is his argument that gender roles are fixed and ultimately reflect timeless truths tied to biological drives that shouldn’t be disturbed. For example, Peterson has gone on record saying that men naturally need to protect and provide for their families, while women are typically ‘nurturers’ and should embrace motherhood.
His Beliefs About Gender Pronouns
In 2016, the University of Toronto implemented new policies that required all faculty, staff and students to use gender-neutral pronouns such as ‘they’, ‘ze’ and ‘hir’. Peterson publicly opposed the policy, arguing that people should only use the pronouns that a person prefers, and that it wasn’t the university’s place to mandate the use of specific pronouns.
He went on to say that he wouldn’t use those pronouns and that it was an example of the far left ‘imposing their will’ on the world. This statement sparked outrage and has been frequently cited as an example of Peterson’s hatred of transgender individuals.
His Opposition to Socialism
Peterson has always been vocal about his opposition to socialism too, a stance which has made him many enemies, including some within the ‘hard-left’. In an interview in 2018, he argued that socialism is a ‘form of tyranny’ and that it inevitably leads to suppression of individual freedoms and destruction of the individual. He also argued that it had the potential to bring about a ‘police state’.
His ‘Bigotry’ and ‘Hate Speech’ Accusations
Over the years, Peterson has frequently been accused of being ‘bigoted’ and ‘hateful’. Especially when discussing issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity, Peterson often makes comments which make a lot of people feel uncomfortable.
For example, in 2017, he famously argued that the fact that it was illegal to discriminate on the basis of one’s sexual orientation was “an attack on liberty,” a statement that was heavily criticized by people from all sides of the political spectrum.
His Continued Support of Political Figures
Peterson also has a history of backing some controversial political figures. For instance, he supported US President Donald Trump for the 2020 election, publically declaring that Trump was the ‘lesser of two evils’. He’s also voiced support for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and praised the work of Jair Bolsonaro, the far right leader of Brazil who has been accused of putting the Amazon at risk and promoting racism.
It’s no surprise then that Jordan Peterson has been subject to a great deal of criticism. His views on men, women and gender roles, his opposition to socialism, and his statements regarding certain figures have all made him unpopular among certain political factions. Whatever your opinion, however, it is undeniable that Peterson is a powerful figure and an influential speaker.