Are you one of those people who would rather believe that fate and destiny play a role in their lives? The stars play a role in our lives in more ways than one, but have you ever considered the significance of your astrological sign when it comes to determining what you fear the most? Your zodiac sign can provide valuable insight into the things that you fear and help you to understand why those fears exist in the first place. Here’s a look at what you fear the most, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Fear Of The Unknown

Aries are well-known for their courage and ambition, so it may be a bit of a surprise to hear that the thing that they fear the most is the unknown. Aries often have a fear of the future and the unknown because they are so focused on the present and what’s happening right now. They tend to be quite fearless when it comes to taking risks, but the thought of the unknown can be enough to make them apprehensive.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Fear Of Failure

Taurus are very dependable and reliable, but their greatest fear is failure. They can be highly critical of themselves, and this can often lead to a fear of failing. They are very hardworking, so the idea of not being able to accomplish what they’ve set out to do can be quite daunting for them.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Fear Of Being Trapped

Geminis are known for their adaptability and versatility, but they fear being trapped in any type of situation. They are constantly seeking adventure, excitement, and stimulation and they fear the idea of being stuck in one place or one situation. They often have a fear of boredom and not being able to find something interesting to entertain them.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Fear Of Rejection

Cancers are very sensitive and they are often filled with empathy, making them very protective of the ones they love. A fear of rejection is common among Cancers, as they don’t want to risk getting hurt by someone that they care about. Cancers often try to put up a tough exterior, but inside they can be quite fragile.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Fear Of Being Ignored

Leos are extremely confident and pride themselves on having control of the situation. But, their biggest fear is being ignored or not being taken seriously. Leos thrive on the admiration of others, so the idea of not being recognized or appreciated can be quite scary for them.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Fear Of Making Mistakes

Virgos are often perfectionists and they strive to be the best at whatever they do. With this in mind, it probably comes as no surprise that the thing that they fear the most is making mistakes. Virgos have a fear of failing and letting other people down, so they are constantly trying to be perfect and make sure that everything is just right.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): Fear Of Loneliness

Libras tend to be very sociable, outgoing, and they always need to be surrounded by people. This makes it especially difficult when they find themselves alone and their fear of loneliness can become all-encompassing. Libras often try to keep busy and in constant contact with the people around them so that they don’t become consumed by the fear of being alone.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Fear Of Loss

Scorpios are known for their passionate and intense personalities and they can become very attached to the people, places, and things that matter to them the most. Because of this, the thing that they fear the most is loss. Scorpios can become especially devastated when they lose something or someone important to them and this fear can often lead to feelings of anger and sadness.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Fear Of Commitment

Sagittarians are known for their adventurous spirit and their love of freedom. This can cause a fear of commitment as they are often afraid of becoming too entrenched in one relationship or situation and losing their sense of autonomy. Sagittarians often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and overburdened when they’re forced to make a major commitment.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Fear Of Failure

Capricorns are the most driven out of the signs and they have a strong sense of ambition and responsibility. But, their biggest fear is failure. Capricorns are always trying to do the best that they can, but if they don’t feel like they’ve accomplished enough, they can become overwhelmed with a fear of not being good enough.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Fear Of Intimacy

As a sign that’s often dubbed as being emotionally distant, Aquarius often finds themselves fearful of intimacy. It can be difficult for them to make strong emotional connections with others, and this can often lead to a fear of being too close to someone and getting hurt. Aquarians sometimes have a fear of being overwhelmed by the emotions of others.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Fear Of Letting Go

Pisceans are very emotional and they are known for holding on to things that they know they need to let go of. They tend to cling to people, situations, and memories that can often be quite unhealthy for them. Pisces often have a hard time letting go of the past, which can be quite stressful for them and make them feel like they are always holding on to something.

Our zodiac signs can often provide us with insight into our fears, as well as offer us advice on how to work through and face our fears. It’s important to remember that fear can be a sign of strength, and that by facing these fears head-on, we can often come out the other side stronger and more capable than ever before.

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