The practice of meditation is centuries old and is considered to be one of the oldest forms of self-care and spiritual growth. Many people turn to meditation in order to reduce stress, increase mental focus, and nurture spiritual well-being. Though the practice of meditation is a personal journey and something that can be done at any time, busy schedules and life obligations can sometimes make it challenging to find the best time to meditate.
What Is Meditation?
Meditation is the practice of paying attention to the present moment and focusing your attention on the breath or an object of focus. Meditation allows practitioners to step away from the past and the future and stay in the present. During meditation, practitioners learn to observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment. This allows the mind to settle and rest, resulting in stillness and peace.
The Benefits of Meditation
While the practice of meditation is over 5,000 years old, it is only in recent years that the scientific community has recognized the numerous mental and physical benefits of the practice. Meditation has been found to decrease stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, reduce fatigue, and even improve physical health. It has also been found to help the practitioner cultivate self-awareness, clarify intention, and cultivate joy and compassion.
When Is the Best Time to Meditate?
Since everyone’s schedule and lifestyle is different, there is not one single “best” time to meditate. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide when is the most conducive time for them to practice meditation. With that being said, there are some general guidelines that can be followed.
Morning: Waking up early and setting aside time for a morning meditation session is a great way to start the day on a positive note. Taking the time to meditate can also help to reduce anxiety before leaving the house and provide clarity on one’s intentions for the day.
Midday: Finding time to meditate during the day can help to restore balance and rebuild energy. Taking just a few minutes can be a great way to rejuvenate and refocus for the rest of the day.
Evening: Meditating at night can help to allow the mind to rest and relax before going to bed. It can also help to clear the disturbance caused by the activities undertaken during the day. It can also prepare practitioners for a restful sleep.
Whenever: Though it is beneficial to try to set aside a specific time for meditation, it is not necessary to follow a strict schedule. Practitioners can take the time to meditate whenever they are feeling stressed, anxious, or distracted.
Tips For Creating a Meditation Routine
Creating a sustainable meditation practice can be challenging at first, but with a little bit of planning and discipline, it can become a regular part of one’s daily routine. Here are some tips for creating a successful and sustainable meditation practice:
Start small: Starting off with a 5-10 minutes session is plenty. It’s important to be realistic and have manageable expectations.
Make a commitment: A regular practice is beneficial, so setting a schedule and sticking to it is important.
Establish a cue: Connecting meditation to something else can help to form a habit and make it easier to stick to it in the long run.
Create an environment: Create a space that is conducive to meditation. Make sure the environment is comfortable, clean, and pleasant.
Use an aid: Using guided meditation, an inspirational quote, or music can help to stay focused during a session.
Finding the best time to meditate can be a challenge, but it is an essential part of cultivating an effective practice. Ultimately, it is up to the practitioner to decide when works best for them. The important thing is to make sure to find time each day to step away from the fray, close your eyes, and settle into stillness and peace.