Breakups can be hard―no matter who you are. Even if a relationship isn’t right, the thought of parting ways can still bring a wave of emotions. While some people are naturally more resilient, some might take breakups more personally than others.

When it comes to the zodiac, more specifically, there are some signs that are more inclined to take heartache to heart. It’s no surprise that the Water joins, like Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, take breakups rather personally due to their already sensitive nature.

But what about the rest of the signs? Read on to find out which zodiacs take breakup especially hard.


Virgo is known for their analytical nature and attention to detail, which means that, when it comes to breakups, they really absorb the entire situation through a magnifying glass. As a result, they can feel as if they’re carrying around a lot of guilt and other negative emotions. Even if they’re the one who initiated the breakup, they will take it personally and will be too hard on themselves over it.


Taurus signs have a hard time letting go of things―because of their stubbornness! This makes them take breakups personally, especially if it’s something they weren’t expecting. The shock of it can really break them for a bit and it can be hard for them to make sense of why someone chose to walk away.


Sagittarius is known for its carefree nature, but when it comes to relationships, they take things seriously. They can’t get over the fact that someone could just walk away from a partnership that meant so much to them and can take it as a major personal failure. As a result, they will take breakups especially hard.


Aries signs might come off as strong-willed and independent, but in reality, they’re more sensitive than they appear. They take breakups very personally and can become overwhelmed by grief and guilt. Sometimes, they can’t help but blame themselves and this can take even longer to get over.


Gemini is known for its dual personalities and indecisiveness, and in relationships, they can struggle with commitment. They want to think that they can do it, but ultimately, when things become too serious and expectant, they often look for a way out. This makes them take breakups harder than usual, as they’ll blame themselves for not having been able to make the relationship last.

Common Reasons Why Zodiacs Take Breakups Personally

No matter what zodiac sign, there are always certain reasons why people take breakups more personally. While everyone has their reasons and own experiences, some of these universally affect all zodiac signs.

Trust Issues: Individuals may be hesitant to put their trust in a relationship which in turn can make them take breakups more personally. Especially so if the ex-partner cheated or made them feel disrespected in some way.

Negative Self-Talk: This is incredibly common, especially among those who are more sensitive. People can take it upon themselves to start blaming themselves over the breakup, even if it was something out of their control.

Unrealistic Expectations: Some people tend to place high hopes on relationships, which admittedly isn’t a bad thing. But these expectations can become unrealistic and, when they’re not met, it can take a toll on someone’s mental state.

Fear of the Unknown: The scariest part of breakups is having to navigate the unknown. It can trigger the ‘flight’ mentality and make someone feel like their entire world is about to crumble―which, for some, can be too much to handle.

Imposter Syndrome: Imposter syndrome is something that often affects those who feel inadequate and incompetent. A failed relationship can make someone feel like they’re not worthy enough or that it was their fault, which can lead to taking breakups more personally.

3 Tips for Recovering from a Breakup

No matter how badly someone takes a breakup, there’s always hope for recovery. Here are three tips to cling onto when the heartache becomes too much to bear.

Cry it Out: Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s an opportunity to channel your emotions until you work through them. Plus, tears can be incredibly therapeutic, even if they might be difficult to come by at first.

Stay Focused: After going through a relationship, it’s easy to get lost in your own head. But it’s best to stay focused on what you can do as a single person right now and channel that energy into something positive.

Make Sure to Take Care of Yourself: Self-care and self-love are crucial for recovery. Take time for yourself away from social media and all the comparisons. Eat, drink, and sleep well, and do whatever you need to do to get back on your feet.

Breakups are difficult by nature, but some zodiac signs take them more personally than others. When it comes to the zodiac signs, it’s usually the more sensitive ones, such as Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries, and Gemini, who seem to struggle more with their inner turmoil. Common triggers for taking breakups personally include trust issues, unrealistic expectations, fear of the unknown, and imposter syndrome.

No matter how bad the heartache becomes, there is always hope for recovery. It’s important to take a step back, focus on yourself and the present, and find ways to let go and love yourself. If you are finding it difficult to do it alone, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

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