Surely you have tied it to your finger, dear Virgo, this story whereby, when for once (miraculously!) All the astrologers agree to declare you lucky sign of the year, a pandemic even breaks out. Yet you must recognize that the last months of 2020 were decidedly revolutionary, and above all of great intellectual lucidity.

Virgos are born between August 23 and September 22. Are you curious about what the future holds for you this year and the one what follows? Discover without further delay the horoscope for the sign Virgo. Today, astrology is a fast and powerful tool for personal development that allows us to get to know ourselves better.

The sky has changed a lot in the last few months; now we find the Sun in the sign of Virgo taking the stage through a return to routine. For some newborns it is the beginning of new opportunities, especially for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is the air signs that experience the greatest emotions, the Aquarius, in fact, will experience one success after another. Gemini and Libra, thanks to Saturn, instead reach an unexpected maturity. September is the month of the harvest; the next few weeks are profitable and very positive.

Virgo horoscope for the month of November 2021

Under the action of Mars in Scorpio, you mix ambition and combativeness. On the pro side, your commitment and relentlessly. You put in a considerable amount of work, with a very specific goal in mind. Just add the power of persuasion to convince those around you to entrust you with a more important mission. And to increase yourself at the same time. Mars on the heart side, stimulates libido. Single, you set out to conquer someone you like. In a Relationship, you have a cuddly and naughty soul. If you had remained good until now, your touch of madness and fantasy will make your spouse happy.

Virgo Horoscope for the month of December 2021

From the 1st to the 13th, the Venus / Mars duo gives intensity to your actions as well as to your relationships. You make energetic decisions, to which those around you (pro and personal) must comply. Nothing to say on the merits, your choices are considered relevant. It is on the side of the form that the pack can hurt. Add nuance to your messages, they will be better received and faster recorded. The decline of Venus on the 20th throws the confusion between modesty and coldness. If you find it difficult to express your feelings, bet on speaking acts to give evidence of your attachment. Doesn’t love always triumph in the end?

2022 Virgo Horoscope

You are moving up a gear this year in all areas. It is through others that you will consolidate things, through your knowledge that you will find the feeling of inner security that you are looking for. The influxes of Jupiter will galvanize your actions in the direction of greater security, in the broad sense, and in all areas. Your conservatism will bring you luck and allow you to get rid of certain material worries, in particular. This frees your mind to move up a gear to develop your projects in a constructive direction. Lots to do, in a relaxed interpersonal atmosphere, here is a great program.


Your loves will stand out this year above all for their ease in generating tender and passionate moments at the same time. A certain possessiveness can appear, especially if you belong to the second decan of the sign. Indeed, passion knocks at your door if you are single, you are not immune to love at first sight … Your loves are linked at the beginning of the year abroad in the broad sense, whether it be a trip the meeting of a person from another culture than yours, the exotic atmospheres quite simply will be greatly favorable to you. On the other hand, your reason may fail you, refrain from making big decisions that commit you in the long term, opt instead for strengthening your bonds and deepening your relationship. 

Your doubts become more precise, and as a result are less heavy to carry, As far as your partner is concerned, you will be less possessive in the fall, more sure of yourself and you let go where you need to! You are starting a new cycle, if you are in a relationship, even in a sexual relationship, you provoke very beneficial questioning if you really get to the bottom of things, otherwise, do not start anything until you are sure you have the necessary daring to clarify everything. Expect invitations during the fall of 2022, love mingles with friendship, you will have the opportunity to strengthen your bond with your partner, or if you are alone to meet through the intermediary of ‘friends you provoke very beneficial questioning if you really get to the bottom of it, if not, don’t start anything until you are sure you have the audacity to clear it all up. 


Now is the time to collaborate and communicate more with your colleagues. Indeed, you will have luck much more easily if you show team spirit to move your files and projects in the right direction. You always have the option of not changing anything… But that would be a shame! You will have pleasant surprises in the continuity of your links and will discover support that is sometimes completely unsuspected. The concessions you make will not be lost, quite the contrary. Everything related to finding work or your work is clearly favored, especially thanks to your new contacts. The dominant note comes from Jupiter and Sun which illuminates your path in the long term, provided you are open to others, as well as to novelty.


There will be highs and lows throughout the year. Emotions overwhelm you and affect your morale. Your productivity suffers. Arrange for yourself moments of relaxation, they will do you great good. It’s time to start yoga or relaxation therapy. Athletes could also find pleasure in a physical activity that lets off steam.


The planetary aspects that reign in your sky this year will give you tremendous energy, especially when it comes to acting in a constructive direction. Your muscular vitality, your basic spring benefits from the aspects of Jupiter and Uranus, followed by the departure of Saturn from your sign come to boost your metabolism. This energetic acceleration will allow you to bring down a mountain of things that you feel you have to do. This is precisely the only pitfall you may encounter this year. Too much activity would make you particularly nervous and irritable, indomitable with those around you. Take regular breaks from your obligations, especially during the last three months of the year 2022.

Social Life

With the dissonance of Jupiter and Neptune in the first part of the year, it’s time to sort out your priorities and your plans. The opportunities will not be lacking. Aiming for the essential and prioritizing your interests will lead you to success. You will have to resist the utopian proposals of others and not give in to the easy way. Summer is a good time to do this because you have the support of Mars in Taurus. On the other hand, if you want to achieve success and success, you will have to focus on the essentials and not spread yourself too thinly until the end of the year.

Monthly Horoscope for 2022

You attack the year with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces who speak to you of commitment in all tones. To maintain your lucidity and your free will, you can count on the support of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. These two heavenly pillars inspire you with their restraint as well as their prudence. They give you the strength to take your time and impose your conditions. Between May and October, the pressure eases. By its transfer to Aries, Jupiter changes the topic of conversation. So you have time in front of you to think things through and to know what you really want.

Horoscope 2022 Virgo 1st decan

In January-February 2022 as during the 2th fortnight of April, look good’s face. When the planets are in Pisces, our Virgo generally has a little cloudy vision. If you feel that your rational side is parasitized, that the elation occupies the ground a little too much or that there is carelessness in the air, shake! If your projects lack a framework, nevertheless take advantage of the period from January 25 to February 8 to refocus your objectives and follow through on your commitments. Apart from that, July 2022 will be a month of effort to provide and our sign Virgowill regain all its courage. But between August 21 and September 11, beware: your taste for controversy may be a little excited. Do not expect anything upsetting from the other months of this year 2022 because the slow planets will look elsewhere.

Horoscope 2022 Virgo 2nd decan

Between mid-February and late March 2022 as during the 1st half of May, it is feared a momentary eclipse of common sense and it will be difficult to channel you. Our Virgo should beware of chimaeras and windmills and avoid allowing themselves to be influenced. Other than that, you are still in a pivotal period during which the idea of ​​metamorphosis should be strongly present. During this year 2022, there will inevitably be new avenues to explore or a transition to initiate. The period from July 20 to August 7 could also give you a more concrete vision of what is best elsewhere. Attention: during the month of September 2022, do your best to finish what you start.

Horoscope 2022 Virgo 3rd decan

We are already warning you that in April and May 2022 as much as in the last quarter, your Cartesian facet will have a hard time coping with this invasion of planets in Pisces. Our Virgo should above all be wary of the perverse effects and other “quicksand” atmospheres generated by this very deceptive sky. With these planets, never believe in the moon, always know where you are going and ensure the reliability of your projects like the people around you. Phew: to find productive realism and move forward much more concretely, you can still count on your courage and on the following two periods: from February 21 to March 7 and from August 4 to 22, 2022.

What is the meaning of the sign Virgo?

Virgo corresponds to the 30° sector of the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo is extensive, and its brightest and best known star is Virginis, or the Epi. The Virgin is sometimes drawn with a scale, because it is often identified, in Greek mythology, with the goddess of Justice, Themis; other legends bring her closer to Artemis, the wild and chaste goddess of nature.

What is the character of Virgo?

You have to arm yourself with patience and understanding to enter into the intimacy of the Virgin! This earth sign is very attached to the home and is quite distant with people he knows little, which is sometimes called haughty. Yet he hates being the center of attention and is never happier than when he has managed to please those close to him. Hyper methodical, Virgo personalities make very good analysts, project managers, financiers … but inevitably, it will be necessary to reckon with their rigid side, because they have the faults of their qualities.

10 things to know about the sign Virgo

If you know Virgo personalities around you, or if you yourself are from this house of the zodiac, you will no doubt agree that the native of Virgo.

●hates any form of surprise and the unexpected

●is a storage pro

●let others own their successes

●flees the conflict

●think carefully before making a decision

●don’t like people talking about him

●seek tenderness and gentleness

●shows great politeness

●can’t stand to do nothing

●is sometimes (wrongly) judged as cold when he / she is just shy

The Virgo woman

The Virgo woman inherited the main characteristics of her sign. Discreet, she will always favor reason over passion. Her reserved attitude sometimes makes her austere in the eyes of others. On the contrary, the Virgo woman is warm although modest. She doesn’t make great displays of affection, but is very generous. She doesn’t hesitate to let others take her credit because she doesn’t like to be in the spotlight.

Highly appreciated professionally, she accomplishes her tasks discreetly and efficiently, and does not act impulsively. She will always take the time to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, which makes her a very good counselor, although sometimes judgmental. Simultaneously with her sense of duty and responsibility strongly present in her character, she shows a real fear of failure and abandonment. The Virgo woman hates conflict, as many zodiac signs who hate conflict, and anything that might be out of her control. This is why she takes care to avoid situations that could put her forward or compromise her.

The Virgo man

The Virgo man hates the unexpected, and appreciates being able to control his environment. The changes scare him. This is why a stable professional situation is built up fairly quickly. Pragmatic, orderly, applied and rigorous, he is gifted in his work because he aims for efficiency and performance. The Virgo man is honest, whether in his work or personal relationships. Generous, he is attentive to his loved ones and their needs, but he acts with discretion. Because the Virgo man is above all a reserved person who hates to expose himself in any way.

The love compatibility of the sign Virgo

In love and if we talking about compatibility, the native of Virgo is extremely generous and involved. He is looking for a partner to whom he can give everything, and who will not be stifled by this excess of love. The Virgo woman finds this ideal in the Scorpio man, who will be grateful to her for supporting him backstage while he shines on stage. As for Mr. Virgo, he will get along particularly well with a Taurus woman, like him an Earth sign, but who will know how to reassure and cheer him up.

What are the faults of Virgo?

Virgo is for many synonymous with kindness, even naivety. However, behind this frankness of the facade hides someone who is sometimes manipulative. She may lack openness and is regularly criticized for her lack of fantasy. Loving that everything be in its place, the natives of Virgo are often described as maniacs by those close to them. Also, because they hate having their authority questioned, they are likely to be particularly sharp and blunt in their words. Demanding with themselves and those around them, people born under the sign of Virgo can be really unbearable if they feel that they are in control.

Ascendant Virgo

Whatever your zodiac sign, if your ascendant is Virgo you will be irreparably influenced by her cautious and rigorous side. The more you mature, the more you will be able to curb your impulsiveness. If you’re Leo or Aries and tend to go headlong into action, the cerebral and Cartesian side of Virgo will make you be cautious. You will be less spontaneous and more inclined to dialogue, which will prevent you from possible conflicts with those around you. The Virgo ascendant can also have beneficial virtues on the temperament of the Scorpio who tends to be too resentful.

Virgo Ascendant Aries

She is determined and combines her sense of organization with a spirit of initiative. Unfortunately, her fears often prevent her from achieving her goals although she tries to be assertive. Virgo ascendant Aries is easily dispersed and may show overreacting or a moody character.

Virgo Ascendant Taurus

She is a perfectionist almost to the point of mania. His projects are always organized down to the smallest detail and meticulously leaving no room for spontaneity. Hardworking, the Virgo ascendant Taurus does not spare her efforts, because she thrives in social and material success.

Virgo Ascendant Gemini

She is a great talker who handles the verb adroitly. Her communication skills make her an outstanding speaker who can defend her convictions with argument and humor in support. The Virgo ascendant Gemini is clumsy, his gift of conversation often hides his confusion and lack of confidence.

Virgo Ascendant Cancer

The Cancer ascendant is very reserved and modest. Often in the moonlight, her mind would rather wander rather than try to make her dreams come true, and she has a strong imagination. Introverted, she surrounds herself with a circle of close friends whom she trusts and hates media overexposure.

Virgo Ascendant Leo

The Leo ascendant is charismatic. Dignified and proud in appearance, she possesses a natural ease and authority which command respect. If she often seems cold in the eyes of others, her honesty seduces and her sense of observation and logic make her a good advisor.

Virgo Ascendant Virgo

Virgo ascendant Virgo does not let her emotions guide her. Rational right through to her fingertips, her lack of spontaneity embodies her need for control. Always wary, she only gives herself up personally with parsimony. Her exaggerated prudence makes her find it difficult to relate to others.

Virgo Ascendant Libra

She is a quiet diplomat. She knows how to reconcile her interests with those of others. She enjoys being appreciated by those around her and often adapts to her circle of friends. Her transparency and simplicity make Virgo ascendant Libra an easy-going person who expresses her feelings with finesse.

Virgo Ascendant Scorpio

The Virgo ascendant Scorpio is instinctive. His sense of observation and his intuition allow him to judge situations in order to take the best solution naturally. She manages to hide a great passionate force behind thoughtful speeches, but she also has easy criticism.

Virgo Ascendant Sagittarius

He’s a complex personality who doesn’t show his true designs. Appearing serene and positive, Virgo ascendant Sagittarius seems to appreciate the comforts of a stable situation and a balanced life. But she appreciates adventure and change just as much through her taste for independence.

Virgo Ascendant Capricorn

She is persistent. His taste for effort and work is supported by his great patience and unwavering determination. Preferring the stability and comfort of a home, the Virgo ascendant Capricorn lacks spontaneity and has difficulty adapting to change, but her practicality makes her a person to be counted on.

Virgo Ascendant Aquarius

She is original: her way of thinking is always rational, but occasionally shows a touch of fantasy. Creative, she reinvents the codes to better appropriate them and apply them. Emotionally, the Virgo ascendant Aquarius always oscillates between reason and feeling without being able to make a choice.

Virgo Ascendant Pisces

The Virgo ascendant Pisces is sensitive. Her rationality often leaves room for her emotions and she sometimes shows heightened feelings despite her natural reserve. Altruistic and generous, she enjoys taking care of others and feeling useful. His lack of self-confidence gives him the need to be reassured.

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