Born between July 23 and August 22, you are of the sign of Leo. Your master planet is the Sun, a star of light. At the heart of our planetary system, it is the one through which strength is given to us, an essential element of our life. You demonstrate a will and a strength of character that is unusual among the zodiac. In all circumstances, your power of persuasion is recognized and respected. The balance of power is an integral part of your life and you play it with panache, your spirit of conquest does not suffer from any contradiction.
Ambitious, you put all your energy at the service of your success and impose no limit on your fighting spirit. Like your animal symbol, you reign supreme. Dreams of greatness for a personality ready to do anything to succeed. You will consider that you have successfully completed a difficult but rewarding initiation, all the more reason to claim a better status. Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with responsibilities. And to better balance private and professional life.
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Leo horoscope for the month of November 2021

Balancing your situation depends on how you have handled your successes. If you have squandered them by spending excessively, the course will be difficult to cross. Conversely, you will overcome the ordeal with ease for having been able to capitalize on your resources. Mercury and Mars in Scorpio are questioning your position. You are jealous of the desire to destabilize you. On the pro side but also on the emotional level, lies and betrayals are to be feared. Mercury’s entry into Sagittarius on the 25th helps you put your life back in order, even if it means separating yourself or breaking your commitment.
Leo’s horoscope for the month of December 2021

After taking offense at the presence of the Jupiter / Saturn duo in Aquarius, you win your bet to make the most of it. Jupiter is a game changer, never mind you adapt your actions to the new situation. Saturn delays you, no matter you take the opportunity to deepen your subject, or launch other projects. Above all, you have known how to bring your talents to light, by exercising them in a thousand ways. From the 14th, March will reward you with a multitude of rewards (a promotion on the pro side, a good surprise on the heart side). You end the year with the pride of having won a great victory over yourself.
2022 Leo Horoscope
Will the year 2022 be a good or a bad year for your affairs of the heart? How will the stars exert their influence on your love destiny? Discover the 2022 love horoscope for the sign Leo. This year, Jupiter, the great beneficent, gives you the resource to overcome the hazards and disappointments by going into Aries. However, you will have to continue to come to terms with what annoys you and smooth out certain ambitions, if you want success to be reconciled with you. Saturn in Aquarius continues to oppose what you do and what you think. As for Uranus, he puts grains of sand in the cogs. It upsets, or restricts, your success. Between May 11 and October 28, Jupiter in Aries offers you opportunities for liberation.

Uranus and Saturn create a great dissonance that influences you. Tensions threaten your loves. Gradually, they affect your habits and your past memories. You want to move on, but you get stuck in difficulties and suffer from a lack of communication. You could also be the subject of solicitations. Resist, because your relationship is not (yet?) In the past. In May, Venus will give you the click you’ve been waiting for. You no longer want to sit idly by and take action to make a difference. It can be a separation or a re-examination of the problems within your relationship. Summer will be more positive. If you were frank and firm at the start of the year, you should find the singles will enjoy a new dynamic of invitations and dating.
Work and money

2022 Could turn your career upside down, both positively and negatively. These changes could put you to the test. You will have to prove your adaptability. The year will begin with a reorganization in your professional environment. Unexpected job offers should fall suddenly. The most ambitious will know how to seize them. But beware of colleagues who are not all very attentive. The second trimester will improve with a lighter vibe. Now is the time to get a little more involved in showing your value to your superiors. However, keep your feet on the ground and avoid throwing out ideas that cannot be easily applied.
Social Life

You start the year with the feeling that you don’t belong, but without having a solution or another perspective. Despite this, you hold out, but still have enough paddling to move forward. Between May 11 and October 28, Jupiter’s transition to Aries gives you the chance to turn things around through an opportunity. In June, with Mars in Aries, you have the motivation and the resource to make everything happen without wasting time. In summer, you don’t have the elbow room, but everything is sorted out from the start.

For the sign Leo 2022 will be a year in which he will feel very happy to live with his family.Family life will be the best of the year, it will be very good and you will feel peaceful. You will be able to find stability and tranquility within your home. Home is a refuge for you where you can truly be who you are.
The last few years have been challenging from a family point of view, you have experienced several problems, but this year everything will change. Starting from October you will find the tranquility you were looking for and the serenity will return to the house. You will experience times of joy, love and harmony.
According to the Leo 2022 Horoscope in the family, therefore, things will start to go very welland this will translate into greater inner and personal well-being. Your children will be extremely supportive and will just pamper you, which will give you a lot of emotional stability.

In 2022 your relationship with money will be normal. Again, there will be no major changes. Everything will continue the same way and you will be able to achieve different goals that will lead you to have different income.
If you have a house or something to sell, you will be able to make some money that you will want to spend to take away some whims, such as buying a car, moving to a much larger and more comfortable, luxurious and better house than the previous one, or you will organize a trip to the ‘abroad.

Horoscope According to the Leo 2022 horoscope, health will be very good. You will tend to worry too much when you have symptoms of something you don’t even know well to decipher.
A bit of stress could occur during the year and in particular in the months of January and February, when you want to do everything you set out to do and you want to do it as quickly as possible. Try to relax, everything will be fine.Plus this year you won’t have any major health problems to deal with.
However, it will be extremely important for you to work on your way of sleeping and falling asleep, as you may experience some phases of insomnia that could lead to a state of general fatigue. However, you are strong people, so you will be able to get up without any problems.

Based on Leo 2022 Friendship Horoscope will do quite well this year . Your social life will change, you will have a new way of experiencing situations and approaching other people. It is very likely that during this year you will become more selective and this will depend on the different disappointments that have made you suffer in the past.
You love your friends and being together very much, but you suffer a lot in ambiguous situations, in which previously little considered aspects emerge and you begin to realize that something between you and your group of friends does not add up. However, despite this it will be a good year for you in terms of friendship.
According to the Leo 2022 Horoscope, in fact, you will have the opportunity to meet new people and thus expand your circle of friends. You will be able to do this at any time and you will be able to make friends wherever you go.
During this year there will certainly be parties and meetings with friends. Any occasion will be good to meet and spend time together. You will continue to travel and will try to organize trips abroad in company.
Horoscope 2022 for the Leo man
Men, representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, in 2022 will be able to rest adequately. Difficulties will decrease in the winter months and there will be fewer work responsibilities. Numerous friends will be drawn into the house. Meetings over a glass of beer, sincere conversations by spring will bore you. They will be attracted to nature. Long walks or bike rides in beautiful isolation will bring peace to the Leo man. The horoscope advises not to avoid the company of close people, for example, periodically go on a picnic together. Free from romantic relationships, the representatives of the sign will feel a keen desire to cheer up their loneliness next to an experienced and warm woman. Meeting them is quite possible in the second half of the summer.
The year 2022 for the Leo man will be remembered for a series of short-lived summer trips. Often you will have to travel short distances, see different people and visit interesting places. In the fall, the pace of life of many representatives of the sign will slow down significantly. Job duties will be replaced by household duties. You will want to escape from the routine, paint the days with bright colors. The horoscope advises Leo men to visit public places more often, participate in cultural events and visit them. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages and do not look for ways to experience new emotions. In 2022, some representatives of the Fire element risk ending up in an unpleasant situation.
Horoscope 2022 for the Leo woman
Beautiful representatives of the sign in the winter of 2022 will plunge headlong into work and housework, devoting their free time to embroidery, sports and additional education. Leo women will only have to dream of visiting and going out into the world. The reason is the lack of good company for friendly meetings and entertainment. The horoscope predicts emotional cooling in relationships with friends and girlfriends. A series of disappointments about the actions of friends will lead to a sharp reduction in communication. At the same time, new friendships are not formed soon.
The year 2022 for the Leo woman heralds a quiet spring and many pleasant events in the summer. With the onset of the first warmth, the mood for walks, exterior renewal and shopping will appear. Fans become active in the summer. However, free representatives of the sign are unlikely to be able to opt for just one man. The horoscope does not bode well for long-term romantic relationships. At the same time, dating will leave a positive impression. There will be an opportunity to embark on an interesting journey on your own. The boldest representatives of the sign will gladly take this opportunity. In the fall we will have to return to our usual worries and by the end of the year solve a number of common everyday problems.
What is the meaning of the sign Leo?

Leo is the sign of strength. It denotes will and determination combined with kindness. Those born under this sign are powerful and have great self-esteem, they convey a sense of confidence and can prove to be great seducers when it comes to conquest. They are born leaders, but they do not like easy victory, on the contrary they prefer step by step conquest. They are self-aware and love to be appreciated, which makes them highly susceptible to flattery. They love to wander, they are excellent organizers, but they prefer the fact that others do the less important work.
Because Leo commands the heart, natives of this sign are prone to heart ailments when they get older. They may also forget that the body tends to weaken, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. From a psychological point of view, individuals born under the sign of Leo are determined, adamant and stubborn. They have a tendency to behave like leaders, but they do not always have the characteristics, sometimes they are exclusively endowed with a strong charisma that shows them as leaders more easily than others, but if particular characteristics of the genre are lacking, this nature remains which however does not reflect the practical characteristics of a leader and is emptied of its substance, becoming extremely ridiculous.
Ambition, determination, energy, modesty, loyalty and magnanimity are its basic characteristics. All these are characteristics that concern only earthly life and they all have a common denominator: willpower, understood in the fullest sense of the term. If this characteristic is canceled it leads to anger, touchiness, pride, the desire to command and seek success at all costs, the tendency to dramatize, even to act. What almost amazes those born under the sign of Leo is the extraordinary self-confidence. the desire to command and seek success at all costs, the tendency to dramatize, even to act.
What almost amazes those born under the sign of Leo is the extraordinary self-confidence. the desire to command and seek success at all costs, the tendency to dramatize, even to act. What almost amazes people born under the sign of Leo is their extraordinary self-confidence.
In this sign there is also a tendency not to submit to the will of others, in these cases the authority turns into a thirst for power or a tendency to prevail over others. Magnanimity is a great quality of the sign. Combativeness then takes place in two ways: one human (tendency to fight instinctively), and one superhuman (victory over trials, the expansion of the ego in favor of all humanity). Furthermore, Leo is the sign of education, children, glory, artistic celebrity.
The personality and character of the Leo
It’s easy to fool Leo, just flatter them. Being very vain, he gives in quickly and is often seduced by those who want to take advantage of his goodness, generosity and loyalty. In these cases he will hardly ask for help: pride will push him to lick his wounds by himself and disappointments make him eliminate from his life those who brought them.
The sign of Leo in emotional relationships
There is not in the whole horoscope a more faithful sign than Leo, he loves family and respects traditions, when he loves he really does; his concept of love is certainly not platonic, the physicality of the relationship is very important and he knows how to embarrass the partner with his theatrical demonstrations of affection and with his sometimes exaggerated blatant gestures.
Always very elegant, the one born under this sign does not like slovenly and cluttered, and loves to be gratified and praised by the people around him. Very generous, perhaps too much, even with friends and relatives, he likes to give gifts of value or in any case very meaningful.
The affinities of Leo with the other signs of the Zodiac
As with all the other signs of the Zodiac, even Leo, in couple relationships, has signs with which it manages to have perfect harmony, and others, on the other hand, with which it cannot build a lasting relationship. In some cases, where balance and serenity are the fundamental pillars of a couple relationship in others, this combination becomes a real chimera. Just think of the difficult relationship that can be established between Leo and Taurus or the idyllic one between Leo and Sagittarius or Gemini. With which zodiac sign, then, does Leo get along best in love? So let’s find out the affinity of this sign with all the other signs of the Zodiac.
The ascendant of the sign of Leo

To know exactly the astrological characteristics of a person, in addition to the zodiac sign, it is also good to know the ascendant. This represents, in fact, the first impression that is given to others and the way in which the individual relates to the world. We have developed a simple method for calculating your ascendant following simple tables. The first is that of Sidereal Time, the second is that related to Summer Time, and finally, the third is that relating to the calculation of Sidereal Time.
The zodiac sign of Leo and the ruling planets
The planet that dominates this sign is the Sun, full of energy and vitality; a planet that dominates, is at the center of everything, commands. A Leo is tireless, extroverted, sunny, knows how to do many things and does it with passion and strength.
Often he is a bit too self-centered, but his nature, which leads him to seek the admiration of others, sometimes makes him unpleasant. Despite this, with his great charismatic gifts he manages to make few people think badly of him.
The zodiac sign of Leo in mythology
In mythology, the Lion is associated with Hercules, the son of Zeus born of the relationship with Alcmena, who was deceived by the God to be able to lie with her. Hercules, a newborn, killed the two snakes that Zeus’s wife Hera sent to her crib to assassinate him. Once he grows up he uses his strength only for charitable purposes, until Era drives him crazy and he takes the lives of his two children. To atone for his sin, Hercules undergoes the famous twelve labors and the fifth is the one in which he must kill the invincible lion of Nemea.
Love and sex
In the zodiac, Leo is a sign of fire, so it goes without saying that in love, but above all between the sheets, he reveals himself to be passionate and ardent. Given their ambitious and enterprising personality, those born under this zodiac sign are real hunters, constantly looking for a prey with which to see their need to be loved, but above all revered, satisfied. After all, what is love for Leo if not a slew of admirers willing to do anything to win his big and vain heart? However, when she truly falls in love, she will be able to offer generous attention. He will also be able to lend absolute fidelity, although, like the other more fiery signs, he is known for his excessive jealousy.
The profession

What is the ideal job for a person born under this sign? Before answering this question, it is necessary to make a premise: where there are positions to climb, there is a Leo who is always ready to reach the top. Managers, entrepreneurs, politicians, event organizers, those born between July 23 and August 22 are united by an immense thirst for success and the need to succeed at all costs. This inclination makes them motivated and particularly predisposed to carry out prestigious professions, where you can unleash all your competence and safety. Since we are talking about protagonists on stage and not, it is no wonder that they can also establish themselves as theatrical or television actors. After all, who more than them loves to shine in the spotlight?
Nature and the Lion
Leo is the second sign of summer, masculine, defined as ” fixed “, because when the Sun is in this constellation, we witness the peak of the season, which corresponds to the maximum radiation of heat and solar energy.
In Leo the power of nature is found in its fullest maturity. The element associated with this sign is Fire.
Not the warrior, impulsive and unstable of Aries, but the energy that springs from the Force and the Kingship . The powerful fire sign expands its vitality and creative momentum around it, characterizing rather magnetic personalities, which never go unnoticed.
Moon in Leo
The Moon in the sign of Leo in the horoscope denotes individuals with an effervescent, generous character, of great nobility of soul. They have a strong desire to assert themselves which is often accompanied by a hint of vanity, which makes the natives eager for attention and admiration. People with the Moon in Leo need to feel unique and special, so it is very important to make them feel considered and appreciated.
Their greatest fear is that of being neglected or set aside by the people they love, which is why they immediately become anxious at the first sign of neglect, or of lesser consideration. They love to surround themselves with many people and are often lovely entertainers, good leaders and organizers. If well waited, the Moon in Leo can give loyal, good, courageous, in some cases brilliant individuals. However, if they feel offended or questioned about their attitude, they can get angry. In the worst cases this Moon can give narcissism, delusions of grandeur, excess of pride. Since the Moon is in a fixed sign, feelings are constantly kept in check, for this reason, from time to time, the long-held anger explodes.
Symbology and myth

The myths that can be traced back to the sign of Leo mainly concern the battles that the ego has to fight in order to constructively dominate and enslave its instincts. The process of individuation, the search for the ego, psychic maturity, the heroic enterprise, the clarifying awareness. These are the themes on which the Lion symbol revolves. The fatigue of Heracles related to the bloody killing of the Nemean lion teaches us how the instincts that live in our unconscious can be overcome, not by resorting to external forces or help, but only with the personal power available to every human being: courage, strength of will, decision-making capacity, intelligence, reason.
The Nemean lion, with its ferocity and its daily assaults, had sowed terror among the inhabitants of the city of Nemea, who were also afraid of leaving their homes. Arrived in Nemea, Heracles tried to kill him with weapons (first arrows and then sword), but in vain. Heracles decided, therefore, to enter the cave of the cruel animal, convinced that to win it the only solution was to close it inside its own lair. Unfortunately this idea turned out to be in vain as the cave had two entrances. At this point Heracles decided to close one and wait for the ferocious lion to enter it from the other side and then follow him inside. Between Heracles and the lion there was a violent fight, from which Heracles emerged victorious. From the skin of the lion Heracles made his tunic and his headdress from the emptied skull, symbols of his invulnerability. An act that has an even deeper psychological value: that is, he takes full mastery of the forces he has dominated and assumes their psychic contents, integrating and assimilating them to the conscious ego and to the mind.
Another myth linked to the Lion is that of Parsifal, a popular character of the Arthurian cycle, belonging to the Knights of the Round Table, who undertook the search for the Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus in the Last Supper, which according to legend assured those who earthly and celestial happiness had found him. Parsifal is the personification of the hero in his quest. The search for himself and the meaning of his life. In fact, like many other heroes, at the beginning of the story he is an orphan and grows up in a forest with his mother, who tries to keep him away from the world and the cavalry, for fear that he will go away. This is due to the fears of the latter who, due to the war, lost two sons (brothers knights of Parsifal) and her husband, also a knight.