A smart Gemini is bound to be curious about his destiny. How to optimize the benefits of Jupiter, take advantage of the rays of Venus, go in the direction of the dynamics of Mars and put Mercury in the pocket?

A Gemini worthy of the name will always know how to glean useful information to judiciously advance his pawns. That’s the point of our forecasts and your monthly horoscope is there for that. Do not miss this little monthly Astral Guide: you will find precise information and smart advice on your work, your loves, your finances.

Whatever your decan, you will know better where you are putting your feet (or getting back on your feet…). There is no question of moving forward blindly when the message of the planets is successful! Sharpen your Gemini neurons and quickly lean on your astro!

Do you want to know what the stars have in store for you and how they will influence your daily life? So consult your horoscope ! The term horoscope corresponds, in fact, to a prediction which is in the more or less near future.

Gemini horoscope for the month of November 2021

Mercury moves away, the pace slows down. You are entering a period of reflection. This is the time to assess your situation to identify your desires, to define your ambitions, to know whether to continue, to stop or to set course in a new direction. Under the influence of the Jupiter / Saturn pair, you forge new social ties. With, who knows, the ambition to join another team, to work in a different environment. The implementation of your projects is slow. Every step counts, don’t burn them. On the emotional level, exchanges with your loved ones are as important as they are effective, to guide you on the right path. Read Here

Gemini horoscope for the month of December 2021

The discussions are constructive, the projects promising. Still there, the Jupiter / Saturn duo advises you to define the conditions before committing. These two so-called “slow” planets lay the foundations for a future that meets your wishes. In love too, it is important to think about the actions to be taken together. A change of residence may take shape. Money matters deserve to be addressed with precision. From the 14th, Mars accelerates events. You are asked to act or react quickly, without safeguards or guarantees in return. The bet is risky. Negotiate a deadline, the time to make sure that your assets are safe.

Gemini horoscope for the year 2022


This year, the planets will blow hot and cold on your heart and will give you little time to think about something other than your loves. It will all begin in February, with a magical and torrid Valentine’s Day that will warm up your winter and send you straight to seventh heaven. Venus and Mercury will have a lot of exchanges and meetings in store for you from the start of winter, making the single Gemini an endangered species. But this summer everything is changing, everything is jostling and you may well have some difficulty keeping in place. Is loyalty not always your strong point? Watch out for the old sleeping demon. Mars and its scorching energy could well wake him up in July under the Sun exactly. In the month of September, the cards will be redistributed and it is certainly on yourself that you will want to focus. Reconnect to your animal mascot, to your inner self and take stock of your desires and the multiple love possibilities that open before you. Finally, never forget that you are the only mistress on board.


This year, you will be torn between the desire to ease off and the need to move your projects forward; between progressing in an obvious path and taking a side step; between leaving and staying. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer saw life as a pendulum swinging between envy and boredom. The stars are well aware of your aversion to boredom. However, you will need to use common sense in April to find the right balance. Read Here


Why not try something new this year? The stars will indeed suggest that you listen to the benevolent advice of your relatives or closest friends and show both openness and prudence. Again, it will all be a question of dosage. Keep in mind that those who know you best and want your best will turn out to be very good guides this fall.

Your ideal destination

Mykonos, Ibiza… a sunny place, a place of celebration, relaxation and pleasure to allow you to recharge your batteries.

Work and money

The positions of Venus and Saturn favor your career in 2022. Your working conditions should improve and the blockages, which have bothered you for a long time, will be lifted without too much effort. The long-awaited promotion is at your fingertips. The month of March will even be favorable to an increase. The first quarter will prove to be rich in opportunities. You may be offered a mission abroad. When looking for a job, you will be helped by the stars which will give you liveliness and freshness to decide your future employer to trust you. The year is ideal for relaunching or giving new meaning to projects that have been lying in your drawers for a while. The third trimester will see you thriving in your work.


In 2022, the stars advise Gemini to pay attention not only to their appearance, but also not to forget about a healthy lifestyle. It is time for many representatives of the sign to think about giving up bad habits, doing disease prevention and strengthening the immune system. It is important to control the mood. In times of increasing aggression, it is necessary to release the adrenaline through active sports. Some Gemini run the risk of fighting, getting hurt. The health horoscope advises to pay attention to the condition of the pelvic organs, intestines and lower limbs.

A favorable period for medical events scheduled for 2022 is expected in March and late summer. Surgery, anti-aging and cosmetic procedures will be successful. The stars advise representatives of the sign in the second half of the year to resort to aromatherapy, yoga, athletics. This will help relieve the growing irritation. In the cold period the horoscope predicts frequent colds and viral diseases. To prevent infections, large crowds must be avoided. Also, it is important to dress for the time rather than recklessly follow fashion trends.

Celebrities born under the sign of Gemini

All these little signs that prove that you were born under the sign of Gemini: you are funny, intelligent and sociable. New faces and adventure don’t scare you. You are an excellent communicator and always good company and you constantly seek to surround yourself with people who stimulate you intellectually. Unfaithful, you get bored quickly which can lead you to regularly change partners and even friends. Be careful not to hurt your loved ones by suddenly losing interest in them.


Chris doesn’t like unanswered questions and is always looking for solutions to everything. A perfectionist, the actor invests himself enormously in each project he undertakes. To seduce him: learn to make him laugh and reassure him.


Jamel is curious and that’s what makes his strength. The actor and comedian is a very cultured man, open to discovery and shying away from routine. His open-mindedness allows him to constantly renew himself. To seduce him: be the one who supports him in his reasoning, in his analyzes and in his ideas of remaking the world. 


Natalie is sentimental, but always keeps her feet on the ground. She will never put herself in danger for a man especially if she judges, deep inside her, that he is not really worth it.  To seduce her: be tender and protective. 


Prince William is both strong and fragile, he tries to hide his sensitivity behind a distance, which is not always well received. Far beyond his British phlegm, the prince simply protects himself. To seduce him: Prove to him that you don’t like routine either. His lover must be able to surprise and surprise him.


What Angelina wants, Angelina gets. A past master in the art of persuasion, few can resist the undeniable charm of the actress. To seduce her: learn how to break the large shell that Angelina has developed to hide her fragility.


The Gemini man is often an intellectual. Shia LaBoeuf has proven time and time again that his mind, constantly in action, prompts him to analyze, design and dissect his surroundings. The actor chains shock actions and dares to rise up against what seems to him to be unfair. To seduce him: show him that you too can be a rebel.


Jean is meticulous and good for business. In work or in a debate, he does not let himself be stepped on and that is what has allowed him to have such a successful career. To seduce him: Jean likes reassuring and funny women who support him in each of his projects.


Lana is a woman of taste. The singer is attentive to details and instinctively knows how to show off. At work, she is meticulous and leaves nothing to chance. To seduce her: Lana expects a man who meets her expectations.


Nicole is above all pragmatic and has her feet on the ground. Excellent communicator, she is always good company and loves to laugh. To seduce her: for Nicole, love is very much linked to stability and protection.


Julie jealously guards her privacy. By always wanting to do well, the actress can be a little too perfectionist and expects a lot from her lover, especially regarding the image they convey together. To seduce her: bet on the little touches every day.

Recommendations for 2022

The 2022 astrological horoscope recommends representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign to appreciate loved ones for their patient and caring attitude. It is worthwhile to show mutual tenderness more often and take daily responsibilities seriously, so as not to overload family members with problems. At work, it is advisable to try to maintain a friendly atmosphere, not to conflict with the management, not to refuse promising offers. Success and financial well-being await the most hardworking and active representatives of the sign. The horoscope advises many Gemini to moderate their ardor and insolence so as not to become participants in an unpleasant situation and not have problems with the law. In addition, it is worth saving money from scammers and not getting into debt.

Horoscope 2022 for the Gemini man

Men, representatives of the sign of Gemini, will experience some anxiety in early 2022. A break in business will lead to a feeling of uncertainty about the future. The situation will change in mid-spring. Gray and boring everyday life will glow with new colors. The horoscope predicts the emergence of interesting ideas and plans, the implementation of which will require a lot of strength and energy. However, some projects will remain unfulfilled dreams. Individual representatives of the air sign will want to surround themselves with special comfort, transferring the responsibilities of the supplier and the head of the family to a loved one. For a while, it will also be possible to take a break from the race for financial well-being. However, this behavior is fraught with the emergence of disagreements with others.

2022 for the Gemini man will be a decisive year for the long term. Many representatives of the sign will meet on their way a strong woman who can inspire decisive action, instill confidence. In addition, the woman will not necessarily act as a mistress, the appearance of an older mentor is quite likely. The most active period for men will last from the third decade of August to the end of the year under the influence of Mars, which has been in the constellation of Gemini for so long. The horoscope advises to direct energy in a positive direction, avoiding dubious companies, controlling aggression and not getting into conflict with unknown people.

Horoscope 2022 for the Gemini woman

The year 2022 promises a peaceful winter for the Gemini woman. It will be possible to spend time with friends, read books, do DIY or self-education. The horoscope suggests that many different wishes will arise with the arrival of spring. You will want to pamper yourself in one way or another, relax, transfer your responsibilities to others as much as possible. By the end of April you will finally be able to shake things up and start your daily activities. In May and June 2022, many representatives of the sign will have to work hard, do housework, spend a lot of time with their children.

During the summer months, the likelihood of a pleasant trip and the appearance of a new chosen one is high. In addition, a stormy holiday romance is possible. In June and July 2022, Gemini women will often be the center of male attention. The astrological horoscope recommends that the beautiful representatives of the sign show interest not in the material values ​​of fans, but in spiritual qualities and sincere feelings. The high financial security of a potential spouse does not guarantee a reverent and respectful attitude, which is fraught with serious disappointments. In the autumn period and until the end of the year a dynamic life course is expected, a series of various events, unexpected turns of fate.

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