When a couple starts dating for the first time, a romantic dinner and a few drinks are usually enough. But after some time, they become more comfortable with each other. When that happens, it’s time to add more fun to the mix. This will bring back the ‘spark’ that can bring the couple closer. When you try to search online, you will find plenty of dating ideas to use. If you are creative, you can also think of different ways to make your dates more interesting.

Dating is an important part of relationships. It is not important just to get to know the other person. Dating also allows the couple to share experiences during their relationship.

When you are dating someone for the first time, you might think of some first date ideas. This will help you break the ice and get more comfortable with the person you’re dating. Read below the best ideas for outdoor dating and use them to surprise your loved one.

Go see an exhibition

Want to cultivate yourself a little while getting to know your new crush better? Run to an exhibition! Be careful, we did not say long and wide visit to an entire museum! In which case, this first date with cultural accents will immediately take on the appearance of a boring school trip. Therefore choose a vernissage or an exhibition (general public or specialized, it is according to) and you can walk there discussing works and life. Whether it’s photography, sculptures, paintings or even the opening of a new gallery, art is a topic of discussion that allows us to easily learn a lot about the person you are chatting with.

Participate in a cooking workshop

What if, instead of opting for the traditional dinner at the restaurant, we decided to make a recipe ourselves? More original, more fun and above all more collaborative, this option will allow you to put on the chef’s apron for an evening while preparing and tasting delicious little dishes for two. It is often said that the stomach is the second human brain, for you it is also the second heart. You only need a bite of a perfectly mastered dish to be won over. Then, let’s face it that a guy who plays the virtuoso of gas pianos, there is nothing sexier! Be careful though with the small stain of sauce on the nose which can quickly degenerate.

Laugh together at a stand-up / improvisation show

Afraid of the long silences in the whites of the eyes? How about letting a team of professionals relax the atmosphere? In addition to relieving all pressure, laughing can release endorphins that will make us even more relaxed! So you can rush without delay to theaters, improv matches, vaudeville performances for a good dose of humor. In the end, what if loving wasn’t looking together in the same direction, but laughing together at the same things? But even if you are a big fan of dramatic art, you will avoid inviting your crush to a performance of Antigone.

Stroll in a park / wood / forest

If it’s summer, it’s by far one of our favorite events! You can stroll in a park, to discuss, take a picnic and sit down to nibble together the few dishes nicely laid out on the checkered tablecloth. It’s bucolic and idyllic! But let’s not panic at the idea of ​​not seeing the sunny days again until next year, because autumn has nothing to envy the summer period. The trees which are adorned with shimmering colors, the rustling of dead leaves as we pass, the harvest of nuts… it is also a magnificent setting to stroll with your soulmate.

Playing tourists

By dint of traveling abroad, the country you may know the least well is your own. Whether you decide to play tourists in your city or in another, it doesn’t matter as long as you (re) discover places that you thought you had mastered by heart. Stroll through the small streets, try out a restaurant blind, visit a monument … Learning and discovering together, what could be better?

Participate in an escape room

Before launching headlong into this original meeting proposal, we do our own self-examination: “Am I really a good loser?”. This question is paramount because it is (although it is difficult for some to hear) possible that you lose. The escape room being an immersive experience in which players must solve puzzles to exit the room, it is better to have a sense of fair play and teamwork. Out of the question for you to come out mumbling reproaches to your date all day. This activity can be really fun if the people taking part take it as a fun challenge to take on, and not like you are gambling your life in this game.

Take a walk in an animal park / aquarium

Some love it, others hate it, but the aquarium like the animal park has the gift of making us fall back into childhood. Be careful, we are not talking about places where the animals are locked in tiny cages, but rather spaces where the animals are collected, well treated and if possible released later.

Take a ride to a fun fair

The funfair is the ideal place to satisfy all our childhood dreams and imitate the American romantic comedies that we watch on Sunday evenings in guilty pleasure mode. You can take a ride on the merry-go-round or the Ferris wheel, and treat yourselves to a cotton candy or a candy apple, you can try to win a huge and ridiculous teddy bear … In short, you can treat yourself to a perfect cliché date!

Monuments and castles

We are lucky to have magnificent historical sites all over world. It is the occasion of a nice visit and to learn things together. As for the museum or the exhibition, this allows interesting exchanges.


Do you go on vacation or do you live by the sea? Who hasn’t played mini-golf with their family or on vacation when they were little? Why not rediscover these sensations and have fun around a mini-competition?

A game of paintball

A bit like the laser game, but in the open air version, with all the paraphernalia that goes with it, go for a game of paintball in the heart of nature, with your paint guns. It’s a great way to have fun and let off steam.

A horse ride

It is certainly not the easiest activity to access, but if you have the possibility, a horseback ride is a great idea for a date, if you love nature, animals and you in addition have a slightly romantic soul. Keep in the back of your mind.

A night walk

Depending on the season of course and where you live, a night walk to enjoy the sunset or the moonlight is a simple idea but as romantic as you want. Do not take it to places that are too dark or isolated of course, but a frequented place can be associated with a romantic walk without any problem.


If your appointment takes place during the summer period or there is an event in your city, a village festival, by the sea, you will easily find an evening with a fireworks display. This creates an atmosphere that is both festive and romantic.

The adventurous romantics

A night in the winter bivouac in February is an unforgettable adventure. So that the romance is not diminished by cold feet and blue lips, the right equipment is essential. In order not to lose valuable body heat, we recommend a double sleeping bag and a sleeping mat for two.

Share romantic chocolate fruits at the Christmas market

The Christmas market is the perfect date idea in winter to get to know each other better together (assuming they exist this year). You meet in a public place, there is a great romantic atmosphere, there is delicious food and a mulled wine. What more do you want? Romance professionals among you buy a treat together and share it skillfully. That creates the perfect situation for the first kiss. If it gets too cold, you can sit down in a warm pub or go home to cuddle.

Get stars from the sky in the planetarium & the observatory

This date idea already made it into our article on the best places for first dates in summer. The observatory and planetarium are particularly worthwhile in winter, because the sky is then usually particularly clear and it gets dark earlier. Together you can then ponder the universe and try to find constellations. Because you then look through the small telescope together, you have to move very closely together.

A shopping session

Of course, you prefer to shop alone (and unobserved). But we don’t necessarily talk to you about going out to buy new underwear, socks or jeans with your crush. Flea markets, street parties, dusty antique shops and wacky designer boutiques, shopping can be more than just chasing your next outfit. The quirky little shops are especially tempting to search for hours. A leisurely stroll without time constraints and class lists is more than pleasant with a partner by your side.

An alcohol tasting

Beer, wine, prosecco or cocktail – there is something alcoholic at the start of almost every evening date, regardless of the variation. Mae would you say fine-tune it a bit? For example, by attending a wine tasting or a whiskey tasting with your date. Alcohol (in moderation, always) ensures and relaxed conversation. Be careful not to end up completely tipsy: you want to remember your first date the next day.

A picnic at night

Have you ever had a picnic at night? It’s time. The advantages: a blanket, lots of goodies, a bottle of wine, a candle and a lovely person by your side. A sunset will make it all wildly romantic and you can relax and get closer. The perfect place ? A park, but maybe one of you has access to the roof of a house or to a large garden. Even better: the picnic at the beach, by the sea or by a lake.

A dance class

Old dances in particular can make a wonderfully entertaining evening. A fiery salsa, a romantic waltz or a wild rock ‘n’ roll? It is best to do a trial lesson together and learn a dance style that you do not yet know.


Yes, bowling is also a classic among the dates. But that’s exactly what makes him extremely charming. Are you bad at bowling? No problem. This will make the evening even funnier and cause a laugh or two. And if you are a bowling queen, great, he or she will be in awe.

Date activities in spring

●Discovery bike tour through the trendy district : On a joint tour through the trendy district of your city, you make small stops in the record shop, at the flea market or while eating croque.

●Visit to the botanical garden : walks in the botanical garden are ideal for getting to know each other. In exotic tropical houses you can exchange ideas about distant countries and planned trips.

●Visiting a comedy club as a date idea: Invite your date to a comedy club or a comedy performance – nothing connects two people as much as laughing together.

●Visit a dance ship: Going to dance on a ship is something special and brings you closer to one another as if by itself.

Date ideas for summer

●Sparkling wine and snacks on the rowing boat : in the rowing boat you can discover your city and the surrounding area from the water. Find a nice spot in advance where you can take a little break.

●Evening picnic with a view : There are insider tips at every location where you have the best view of the city or the valley.This is exactly where you can spend a romantic evening on a cozy summer evening with delicacies such as baguette, cheese, grapes and wine.

●Experience a sunrise together : Instead of spending the evening together, you can also enjoy the sunrise together with your date.

Things to do for two in autumn

●Art event in the gallery : Whether classic painting or modern photo exhibition – with a visit to an art exhibition you get to know each other’s tastes.

●Cooking class attendance : Cooking is about teamwork, so a cooking class is an excellent idea for a date. They have fun together and can then enjoy the food you have cooked yourself.

●Go to the Arcade Games Hall : Play your way through the classic games of the eighties and nineties in the Arcade Games Hall and indulge in nostalgia together.

Ideas for your date in winter

●Evening ice-skating : Even in frosty temperatures, an outdoor meeting is fun. Wrap up warm and chase away the cold with sports activities like ice skating.

●Practice mindfulness at a tea ceremony : In everyday life for many singles things are turbulent, a tea ceremony together helps to slow down, lets you perceive the personality of your date partner much more consciously and, as a date idea in winter, provides inner warmth. Tip: Since mindfulness exercises are not for everyone, you should definitely check beforehand how your counterpart feels about mediation and self-discovery.

●A visit to the Christmas market : strolling hand in hand past brightly lit stands and warming yourself up with a hot punch or mulled wine – that creates the Christmas spirit.

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