The jobs that make the most money in today’s market are often those that contribute to the digital economy. Traditional, higher-paying jobs such as doctors, auditors or navy personnel are always in demand, but newer businesses, like a business analyst or cybersecurity specialist, are also occupations that earn over $ 5,000. per month in the current market. The salaries of each of these stores depend not only on training and work experience, but also on your knowledge of the latest technology in each of these areas.

To define your ideal job, you have surely taken into account several criteria: salaries, benefits, sectors, companies, etc. However, we often tend to overlook an equally important factor: the competitiveness and popularity of a position. Business Cool makes you discover today the 20 professions which pay more than 100,000 $ per year, which recruit and for which there is little competition.

The best-known positions are often those most sought after by the majority of students. These are generally the new technologies, business or banking sectors. It is therefore important to take into consideration the number of candidates competing for the same position when defining your dream job.

What are the top paying jobs in the world?

You who are looking for a well-paid profession, discover the list of the best paid professions in the world. Once you’ve found the job of your dreams, start a professional retraining project, gain skills, and embark on a new career! If you are looking for a high paying profession or want to improve your skills or if you are still confused about your next career development, you have come to the right place. To bring you the latest information, we’ve put together a list of the five most popular paid jobs for. Let’s look at the details with this infographic.


Surgeons are arguably the most respected doctors in the world, which is why they deserve to take the top spot on this list. Not only do they train as doctors, they also spend an additional number of years specializing in a specific field (the amount varies by specialty. They are responsible for performing major surgeries and saving and changing lives – all in one simple working day. Following any of the above career paths won’t be easy, but with a lot of hard work and dedication, you can achieve true career success.


As a gynecologist, you will be responsible for helping maintain a woman’s reproductive system, performing our special checkups, and monitoring pregnancies. On a typical day, you might have laser surgery to remove HPV cells, perform checkups, or give birth to a baby.


Becoming CEO takes years of hard work to gain the managerial experience and leadership skills needed for the industry you want – just ask Elon Musk and Tim Cook, two of the highest paid CEOs in the world.


Unsurprisingly, mental health doctors are among the highest paid professions in the world. As a psychiatrist, you will be paid to listen to other people’s problems and identify the root cause, which can be difficult when dealing with particularly difficult situations. To become qualified, you will need to specialize in psychiatry after completing your initial medical training.


Internists are doctors who provide treatment for diseases and injuries of internal organs. Internists do not perform surgery and mainly treat acute diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s and hypertension. As an internist, you can also specialize in a specific organ system, such as the digestive system.


If you love babies and children and want to work with them on a daily basis, you may want to consider becoming a pediatrician. You will be responsible for monitoring the physical, mental and social health of your patients, making sure they are always comfortable.

IT Manager

IT managers are responsible for protecting office networks from hackers and malware, overseeing software and hardware updates, and any other technical issues that may arise. They are in high demand as IT is an integral part of any business model.

Petroleum engineer

As an oil engineer, you will be required to create new technologies to extract oil and natural gas in a safe and environmentally friendly way. As with all engineering roles, to be successful you will need to have a good understanding of math and science. If you live in the United States, meanwhile, you can also get your studies paid for by the government if you want to practice this profession.


If you are more of an extrovert trying to find justice, then becoming a lawyer might be the ideal job for you. Your studies may vary depending on the industry you want to focus on, but what is common to all lawyers is an extended work schedule and years of study to achieve professional satisfaction.


To become a driver, not only do you have to go through intense training, but you also have to meet the physical requirements. British Airways, for example, requires all pilots to be between 1.57m and 1.90m in height and pass EASA Medical Class 1, which includes fitness, hearing and vision testing.

Software developer

In this digital age, it’s no surprise that a software developer ranks among the highest paid jobs in the world. These tech gurus know how to create eye-catching and engaging websites, e-shops, and blogging tools. They also have the added benefit of getting a high-income contract or freelance gig series for the ultimate work-life balance.


From helping a patient walk again to relieving a severe case of arthritis, a physical therapist’s day is anything but boring. In fact, for the best part, it’s challenging. You don’t know what problems you will face and how difficult it will be to deal with them, but in the end it is extremely rewarding.


The profession of architect is one of the highest paying jobs in the world. His salary varies on average from 3,000 euros to 6,000 euros per month. This remuneration can increase or decrease depending on the country in which he works.

Investment banker

Depending on their seniority and the division they work in, investment bankers have different responsibilities.

As an entry-level professional, you would start as an analyst or associate and gradually move up the investment banking ladder to become a vice president, director or chief executive. As for your businesses, they will range from doing market research, creating and analyzing reports, and running financial models.

To become an investment banker, you will need excellent math skills and a minimum of a college degree. However, if you want to progress beyond a junior analyst role, an MBA degree will come in handy.

University professor

If you are passionate about a specific subject and academia, you could combine the two by becoming a post-secondary educator.

The life of a university professor is multifaceted. In addition to teaching students and conducting seminars and workshops, you will also conduct research, carry out faculty projects, and represent your university on external committees and boards.

To become a professor, you need to have a bachelor’s and master’s degree, and while a PhD is also required in most cases, there are some entry opportunities that don’t require one.

Aerospace engineer

Aerospace engineers focus on the design of airborne objects such as aircraft, spacecraft and satellites. To do this, they must create and test prototypes and supervise the construction process of their designs. They also need to evaluate designs to make sure they are in line with engineering principles.

As if their job description wasn’t interesting enough, they are also some of the highest earning in the world.

An aerospace engineering degree will help you progress into a fruitful career, and in many cases, universities offer five-year courses that allow you to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees.


With a spot in the top five most profitable careers, dental jobs are seeing substantial growth.

A dentist advises patients on good dental care, maintains their dental hygiene and diagnostics, and treats problems. When necessary, they also perform minor procedures.

Once you are a qualified dentist, you can also choose to specialize in a particular area, but to get started, you will need to obtain a dental degree and complete all necessary practical training.

The 10 coolest jobs in the world

The majority of us have jobs that can be described as traditional. Our jobs are nothing out of the ordinary, and millions of people around the world hold similar jobs. While these jobs are more than useful, they are not ‘impressive’ to ordinary people. We can think, for example, of accountants, notaries, doctors, drafters, police officers, office clerks, etc.

However, some people are fortunate enough to have totally unusual jobs; jobs that are out of the ordinary and that very few people do. We are going to see in this article the 10 coolest jobs in the world!

Planetary Protection Agent

Hold on tight. NASA is currently paying someone$ 187,000 a year to act as a planetary protection agent. According to the formal job offer that was published at the time of the opening of the station’s planetary protection officer’s mission is to prevent the activities of NASA contaminate other planets and vice versa, that Alien microbes and microorganisms do not contaminate the earth during astronaut missions.


Is there anything more extraordinary than traveling in space? Not much! This is the reason why the profession of astronaut easily ranks within this ranking. In 2016, there were only 560 astronauts on a planetary scale (no pun intended), which makes it a very selective and closed profession. This is not surprising because the skills required are out of the ordinary. According to NASA, to become an astronaut, a minimum of a BAC in engineering, science or mathematics is required, but a graduate degree is strongly recommended. They must have accumulated 1,000 hours of jet piloting and have impeccable vision. Astronauts must also have exceptional physical abilities and be in perfect health. Each year, only 10 people become astronauts under the aegis of NASA. The average salary of the working astronaut is around $ 100,000 per year.

Hotel tester / Travel tester

If you love to travel, Hotel Tester is without a doubt the dream job for you. The principle is very simple: you move from hotel to hotel, regionally or across the world, in order to assess the different establishments in which you are staying. There are 2 main types of employers who hire people as hotel testers, namely hotel chains (Melia, Hilton, Marriot, etc.) and travel agencies.

Ufological archaeologist / Ufologist

Some people are very passionate about everything related to the world of UFOs and aliens. So passionate that they even make it their job! Ufologists spend most of their time collecting and analyzing testimonials, photos and videos of everything that has a close and distant connection to the UFO phenomenon. Ufology became a pseudo-science in its own right in the early 1950s, following the famous Roswell incident in 1947.

Besides being a ufologist, a handful of people around the world have taken it to a whole new level; that of ufological archaeologist. These people, who firmly believe in the theory of ancient astronauts, travel the world in search of archaeological, anthropological and historical ( Astroarchaeology ) traces that could prove that extraterrestrials have already come to Earth and that they have been in contact. with man and therefore, have influenced our evolution. These archaeologists focus their research where the first great civilizations were born, such as Egypt and Mesopotamia (current region of Iraq).

Photographer for National Geographic

Anyone who enjoys photography near or far would dream of working for National Geographic. This institution (magazine, television channel, book, etc.), which is the most famous in the world in terms of photography, has been showing the world and its nature since 1888. Being published in National Geographic for a photographer is a bit like have got their hands on the Holy Grail. National Geographic employs both full-time and freelance photographers.

To be published by National Geographic, you must have been able to take an exceptional photo, which will arouse emotions and wonder. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to take a shot of this magnitude.

Editorial Analyst (Tagger) for Netflix

Not only is working for Netflix pretty cool in itself, being an Editorial Analyst (named ‘Tagger’ internally) is just the dream job that everyone would love to have!

The job of an editorial analyst at Netflix is ​​fairly straightforward, but extremely enjoyable. It consists of watching movies and series all day long in order to tag them with keywords (metadata), in order to make Netflix’s search engine more relevant and more precise. For example, when a new Jackie Chan movie comes out on Netflix, someone in the position of editorial analyst is in charge of watching the movie and incorporating relevant metadata like the names of all the actors in it, as well as keywords like ‘Kung Fu’, ‘Karate’, etc. If in the film the protagonist drives a Maserati car, then the keyword ‘Maserati’ will be embedded in the metadata. So when a user searches for these keywords in the Netflix search bar, the movie will be offered to the user.

Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad (commonly known as Digital Nomad), is not a profession as such, but rather a way of life. In summary, a digital nomad is someone who exercises, for a company or on his own, a profession in the field of IT or the web, and who is independent from rental. In fact, to put it simply, a digital nomad is someone who travels the world while working using their laptop and the internet. That is cool!

In general, the majority of digital nomads are between 25 and 35 years old and work in digital-related jobs. There are many computer programmers and developers, designers, writers, bloggers, etc. Generally, digital nomads have a preference for Asian countries, because the cost of living there is very low and the climate is mild! However, digital nomads can be found all over the world.

Beer tester

Believe it or not, this conversation has probably happened in the most serious way. Many beer companies employ people to taste their beers and give their opinions, all with the goal of improving product quality. Companies such as the London-based Meantime Brewing Company hire people to review their products.

Rock star

Well, it would have been better to live in the ’70s or’ 80s, maybe even ’90s to do this job, but even today, it is possible to exercise the profession of Rock Star! But beware, here we are not talking about singing in cabarets or winning any TV talent contest, we are talking about being a real Rock Star, going on tour, playing in front of thousands of people every night in the four corners. of the planet, to be the idol of a generation, to be a multimillionaire, to bring joy to people’s lives, to mark music forever, to demolish hotel rooms (ok, this point may be too much!), etc.


Scientist is probably the only profession on this list that has any real utility. Why is it cool to be a scientist? Because scientists dedicate their lives to finding solutions to improve the world, the human condition and nature.

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